Christian Reformed Church Questions Preemptive Military Actions
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Few issues in modern times have united Christians in the way opposition to the war in Iraq has. The Vatican and World Council of Churches spoke for most Christians when they urged the United States not to invade.
Christian voices supporting the war have been limited almost exclusively to conservative denominational and political bodies in the United States (such as the Southern Baptists).
However, even conservative support for the war from U.S. Christians may be faltering in the face of clear cut evidence that the Bush Administration lied about the reasons for the invasion. Tens of thousands of civilians have died as a result.
The Christian Century reports about the latest church body to question American policy:
The theologically conservative Christian Reformed Church, in its first major statement on war in two dozen years, urged its churches to raise moral questions with governments about weapons of mass destruction and preemptive military actions.
Delegates at its synod also asked the denomination's executive director to inquire about standards or requirements for Christian Reformed members serving in the U.S. military to be recognized as conscientious objectors in certain conflicts.
A majority of the delegates, who ended their seven-day meeting June 16 in the CRC headquarters city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, called on its agencies and congregations "to promote and actively engage in international initiatives for building peace with justice," according to the CRC Web site.
Click here to read their statement.
Continue to keep the American troops and the Iraqi civilian population in your prayers.