No organization has done more in recent American history than the conservative Christian Coalition to undermine both Biblical values of justice and the Constitutional separation of church and state. Led by Pat Robertson and his deputy Ralph Reed, the group has worked with great success to exploit the Christian faith for partisan political gain.
Robertson and Reed created an image of Jesus that was pro-war and unconcerned with the poor and marginalized. Their work has been so influential that many Americans – and certainly many in the media – have come to believe that to be a real Christian you must be a conservative Republican.
Georgia voters last night rejected all that when Reed lost a race for Lt. Governor. It emerged during his primary race that Reed – who claimed as a Christian to be opposed to gambling – was making money from gambling interests along with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Reed denied throughout the campaign he knew where the money had come from but a Senate report produced e-mails from Abramoff to Reed explaining the source of the cash lining Reed’s pockets. Reed has not been charged with any criminal wrongdoing. Several investigations into the Abramoff scandal are ongoing.
"The way he sold out our values? That's wrong," Reed opponent Casey Cagle said during the campaign. Cagle, a state senator, was the winner of the race and this fall will face one of two democrats running for the seat. Greg Hecht and Jim Martin will face voters on August 8th in a run-off primary election.
“The lieutenant governor's race in many ways became a measure of the continued influence of Reed and his Christian conservatives, nationally as well as within the state Republican Party,” reported The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Reed was backed in his campaign by figures such as Sean Hannity and Rudy Giuliani.
Related Post: Former Pat Robertson Aide & Jack Abramoff Friend Ralph Reed In Trouble