Jewish Voice For Peace Asks For Letters Opposing Invasion Of Lebanon
Friday, July 21, 2006
Once again we find the Israeli government taking after the Bush Administration in launching a war directed a civilian targets. No one doubts that this conflict was initiated by the criminal actions of Hizbullah but the Israeli response - condemned by the United Nations, world religious leaders, and human rights organizations - is also criminal. Sadly, the Simon Wiesenthal Center has criticized both the UN and the United Church of Christ for calling for peace. The Anti-Defamation League has also attacked the Pope's statement calling for an end to the violence. The Simon Wiesenthal Center and ADL have again damaged their creditability by misrepresenting the statements of those opposed to criminal violence on all sides of this conflict. Like Christians, Jewish people hold a variety of views on difficult issues and Jewish Voice for Peace, a prominent American Jewish peace group, is asking supporters to lend their voice this week to the cause of peace by writing Congressional leaders demanding "that Israel stop its invasions of Gaza and Lebanon, that all civilians, Israeli, Palestinian and Lebanese must be protected and that negotiations must replace the violence at once." Click here to take action.
Related Link: “What Israel Must Do” - A Report from an American Jewish Activist