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More Barack Obama Reaction

One of the brightest starts of the blogging world is author Frederick Clarkson, the force behind Talk to Action. He wrote an analysis this weekend of U.S. Senator Barack Obama’s big speech on religion and politics. Like Pastor Dan at Street Prophets, Frederick disagrees with my positive take on the speech. But unlike some of the heated anti-religious rhetoric coming from some of the liberal blogs no one can accuse Frederick or Dan of anything but the best of motives.

Alex Carpenter, writing at the new Faith in Public Life Blog, also wrote on the speech and is more in agreement with how I read the senator’s remarks. His post also links to several other blogs debating Obama’s stand. Make sure you bookmark this important new site.

Related Post: Barack Obama Takes On Issue Of Religion & Politics At Call To Renewal Conference

Salem, Oregon Church Leaders Address Immigration

From the Salem Statesman Journal:

Religious leaders from the Salem area took a first step Friday toward educating the community about immigration.

A group of about a dozen clergy from various faiths came together during a press conference at First Congregational United Church of Christ.

The faith leaders issued a statement signed by 20 pastors outlining actions that they will take to address the emotionally charged issue.

"As people of faith, we feel called to express a message of hope and justice that leads to action," the statement read.

The group also highlighted concerns about what they say is an upheaval in the community about immigration.

"We should not let the debate degenerate into an issue of racial tension," Francisco López, a member of Queen of Peace Catholic Church, told a group of about 50 people who attended the meeting.

The leaders also detailed plans to send a diverse delegation to the Arizona border, Oaxaca, Mexico, and El Salvador.

This is the kind of leadership so desperately needed from our churches.

Related Post:  Religious Leaders Speak Out On Immigration

Dillard University: A New Orleans Resurrection Story


Dillard University, the United Church of Christ and United Methodist Church related school destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, held commencement exercises yesterday back on their own campus. 

The Times-Picayune reports:

Standing on land that drowned under 6 feet of floodwater last August, 354 members of Dillard University's Class of 2006 returned to the Gentilly campus Saturday to receive their diplomas in the first ceremony there since Hurricane Katrina plowed through. 

They had fled the campus two days before Katrina struck, and they spent the fall semester on 200 campuses around the country before returning in January to temporary headquarters in the New Orleans Hilton. In recognition of their diaspora, the graduates marched down the Rosa Freeman Keller Avenue of the Oaks with pennant-like banners bearing the names of the schools where they had found temporary academic homes. The school names and colors differed, but each had this in common: the words "Thank You."

"They were very welcoming, but I'm glad to be back. I feel great," said a beaming Victoria Johnson, whose banner showed she had landed at Harold Washington College in Chicago.

As the graduates marched toward Kearny Hall on a muggy morning to the strains of the triumphal march from "Aida," they were surrounded by hordes of camera-clicking relatives and friends. Among them was Idalene Williams, who was waiting to spot her daughter, Jenna Marie Williams.

"I'm going to cry," she said. "I'm very excited. I'm blessed that all three of my children have graduated from college, especially Jenna, considering the temporary setback from Hurricane Katrina."

The Williams family lives in Omaha, Neb., and Jenna enrolled at the University of Nebraska campus there last fall.

"She was determined to come back to Dillard," her mother said. "This is so special because of the disruption that happened, yet almost all of the seniors came back because they were focused on getting their degrees -- not just from any university, but from Dillard University."

Bill Cosby was the commencement speaker.  "It's not the first time devastation ever hit, according to the Bible, according to history. Some of it is made by nature, and a great deal of it is made by human beings," Cosby said according to Reuters.  "Look at this event as you sit to leave as an important, prophetic event," he said. "This is God's garden, and you are in charge of it."

Everyone who watched the events of last summer knows of the heroism of those who fled New Orleans.  The students who graduated this weekend did so under enormous circumstances.  We can learn much from their perseverance. 

Let us continue to pray for the Gulf Region and do our part to both support the recovery and to be responsible stewards of God's earth.      

Related Link:  UCC Related-Dillard University Evacuates

Related Post:  Update On Dillard University

Related Post:  "Dillard University Announces Plans to Commence Classes as Early as January 2006"