Sunday Offertory
Sunday, July 16, 2006
All people shall give as they are able, according to the blessings which God has given them.1
The world lay broken tonight from disasters both the result of human action and natural disaster. Standing in this darkness and offering light is Church World Service.
Founded in 1946, Church World Service is the relief, development, and refugee assistance ministry of 35 Protestant, Orthodox, and Anglican denominations in the United States. Working in partnership with indigenous organizations in more than 80 countries, CWS works worldwide to meet human needs and foster self-reliance for all whose way is hard.
Within the United States, Church World Service assists communities in responding to disasters, resettles refugees, promotes fair national and international policies, provides educational resources, and offers opportunities to join a people-to-people network of local and global caring through participation in CROP WALKS, the TOOLS & BLANKETS Program, and the "Gift of the Heart"; Kit Program.
Please consider making a gift to this important ecumenical organization.
1. United Church of Christ Book of Worship