Madeleine Albright On Air America's State of Belief
"Israeli Cluster Munitions Hit Civilians in Lebanon"

Sunday Offertory

All people shall give as they are able, according to the blessings which God has given them.1

No organization has done more in the last twenty years to fight homelessness than the National Coalition for the Homeless (NCH).  NCH is made up of grassroots organizations across the nation sharing a single goal: ending homelessness. This national organization does not provide direct services (though many of their member organizations do) and instead concentrates on advocating for public policy changes that will create affordable housing, decent paying jobs and universal health care. It is nearly impossible for people to remember that a generation ago there was no national homeless crisis on the scale we have today. Federal cutbacks in social services helped to create the problem and economic policies that have led to increased poverty continue to force people into the streets. Instead of facing the issues involved many local communities have worked to create laws restricting the civil rights of homeless Americas. During the summer months there is a temptation to forget about Americans who are homeless. But the need is real no matter the season. As a former board member of the National Coalition for the Homeless, I urge you to click here and make a donation supporting NCH's mission.

1. United Church of Christ Book of Worship
