Jewish Voice For Peace Asks For Letters Opposing Invasion Of Lebanon
NYT: Baptist Colleges Cutting Ties With Southern Baptist Convention

Tell Congress Thank You

All Americans should applaud the bi-partisan leadership in Congress which worked this week to ultimately pass The Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Act Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006.  This was a solid victory for civil rights.  It was unfortunate that many House Republicans, in an effort to weaken civil rights, fought to amend the Voting Rights Act.  But wisdom and decency carried the day.  Take a moment and send your Congressional leaders a message thanking them for this vote.  The only "no" votes were cast by the following House members:

Richard Baker, J. Barrett, Roscoe Bartlett, Joe Barton, Jo Bonner, Dan Burton, John Campbell, Michael Conaway, Nathan Deal, John Doolittle, John 'Jimmy' Duncan, Terry Everett, Virginia Foxx, Trent Franks, Scott Garrett, Phil Gingrey, Joel Hefley, Jeb Hensarling, Wally Herger, Sam Johnson, Steve King, John Linder, Patrick McHenry, Gary Miller, Charles Norwood, Ron Paul, Tom Price, Dana Rohrabacher, Edward Royce, John Shadegg, Tom Tancredo, Mac Thornberry, Lynn Westmoreland
