"Tell Congress to Fix Health Care"
And Now The Rest Of The Story

Portland Townhall Meeting Tonight

This evening I’ll be joining The Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, President of The Interfaith Alliance, at a town hall meeting here in Portland that will take place at the Benson Hotel. “The Election Year Program town hall forum will provide expert perspective analyzing and interpreting the role religion is playing in this election year,” states the press release sent out by the Interfaith Alliance. Among the participants are:

  • Chuck Currie, Blogger on Faith and Politics and interim minister at Parkrose Community United Church of Christ
  • Rabbi Steven Jacobs, Retired, Kol Tikvah Congregation, Woodland Hills, CA
  • Phillip Kennedy-Wong, Director of Public Policy, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
  • Brendan McDonald, Producer, Air America Radio & State of Belief
  • Donna Zajonc, Author of "The Politics of Hope: Reviving the Dream of Democracy," and Former Member of the Oregon House of Representatives
  • Moderator, Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, President, The Interfaith Alliance
  • The town hall kicks off at 7 pm and will run until 8:30 pm.  The Benson Hotel is located at 309 Southwest Broadway, Portland, 503-228-2000.
