Church Offers Sanctuary
"Church Fires Teacher for Being Woman"

Sunday Offertory

All people shall give as they are able, according to the blessings which God has given them.1

This week I'll have the opportunity to join Welton Gaddy and the Interfaith Alliance crew at an event here in Portland, Oregon. 

Over the years the Interfaith Alliance has played an important role in bringing together American religious leaders of all stripes to promote a positive vision of what people of faith can accomplish for the common good.  From their website:

Founded in 1994 by an interfaith group of religious leaders, we work to promote interfaith cooperation around shared religious values to strengthen the public's commitment to the American values of civic participation, freedom of religion, diversity, and civility in public discourse and to encourage the active involvement of people of faith in the nation's political life. We are local religious leaders and activists, some with years of political experience, some just starting out. We work in our communities, in state capitals, in Washington, DC and wherever else our voice is needed.

Our 150,000 members across the nation represent diverse religious and spiritual traditions - Jews, Christians,Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs - 70 faith traditions in all, as well as many Agnostics and Atheists. In Washington, DC, our national office works on Capitol Hill and with the White House, in coalition with denominational bodies and other activist organizations to make sure our unique message is communicated when and where it matters most. Our 47 local Alliances are active in their communities on local issues, carrying The Interfaith Alliance message to decision-makers, the media, and the public at large.

Show them your thanks by offering some supporting.  And if you're in Portland this Wednesday drop by the Benson Hotel. 

1. United Church of Christ Book of Worship
