50th Anniversary Nationwide Webcast Invitation
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Message from the United Church of Christ
On November 5th, a nationwide, interactive UCC Webcast will launch our church's 50th anniversary celebration.
As part of this Webcast, we will also introduce a special "UCC Tube" feature -- similar to the ever-popular "YouTube" -- where individuals, groups and congregations can post short, silly, innovative, creative, meaningful "digital videos" about the UCC and what their UCC identity means to them. If you're unfamiliar with You Tube, then check it out at http://youtube.com/ (These aren't professionally produced videos... instead, they are the kind that you can produce with an ordinary digital camera or even with your cell phone!)
In preparation for the start-up of this experimental on-line theatre, we're in need of some "launch videos" in order to help jump start churches' creative juices. If this catches on, in addition to having the videos broadcast on-line, we're also envisioning some video kiosks at General Synod where people can watch some of the most creative, engaging entries.
The videos can be anything, really, as long as they are fun or meaningful to watch. Ideas might include:
• Silly take-off on a moment in UCC history or a joke about UCC identity.
• Unique, innovative rendition of "This Little Light of Mine," playing on the 50th's "Let it Shine" theme.
• New take on UCC's commercials.
• Animation or claymation.
• A monologue by a "really interesting character" in your church.
• A presentation of what makes your church so special.
• Use your imagination!
In order to get this project off the ground, we're hoping you, or a tech-oriented, creative person, or a group in your congregation might have the creative energy to get this idea rolling. Does anyone come to mind? We really need some good example videos in place, so that others around the church can catch the vision of what's possible. And the timeline is brief -- the month of October -- but doable. Remember these "mini" productions can have a home video "look" to them.
Here's how you can post your video creations:
1. First, you will need to register for YouTube at http://youtube.com using the 'sign up' link
2. Once your membership is confirmed you can learn how to upload your movie at http://youtube.com/t/help_makevideo
3. Then go to our UCC group at http://youtube.com/group/unitedchurchofchrist and click 'join this group'
4. Then just access 'my account' and click 'add videos' and you will have a list of your videos that you can add to our group
5. Once you click to add a video the UCC Webmaster will review your entry -- all entries need to be approved before appearing in our group
6. You can also use the 'invite friends' feature from within youtube to encourage their creative productions
NOTE: Please create your video at a MINIMUM resolution of 320x240 pixels or the video will be very pixilated on youtube (which displays at 425x350)
ALSO: There is a production length stipulation -- 30 to 60 seconds MAXIMUM. A lot can be conveyed in a brief time period.
Our Webmaster will be reviewing entries daily for appropriate content. We will then choose 3-5 entries for broadcast on the national Webcast on November 5. We will encourage additional You Tube entries throughout the course of the year and have a special kiosk display at General Synod in Hartford this June.
If you have general questions please feel free to contact me. If you need technical assistance please contact Dan hazard at [email protected].
Thanks for your interest in our program. Have fun... and be creative!
Cliff Aerie
Minister for Special Events, Creativity and the Arts
PS - Here are links to three You Tube presentations that capture the spirit of what we're trying to accomplish. You'll notice that they represent a wide range of production skills -- from point and shoot, to extensive editing. Use these as a guide only -- be creative and do your own thing as simple or complex as you like.