Ordination Day
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Thank you to my many friends and family who took this afternoon to attend my ordination. It was a wonderful occasion. I would particularly like to thank all the participants.
From the program:
The Rev. Dr. Patricia Ross, senior minister of Portland's First Congregational United Church, is Chuck's pastor and friend.
Ms. Heather Currie Medders, Chuck's sister.
Master Dylan Medders, Chuck's nephew.
Master Devin Medders, Chuck's nephew.
Ms. Jennifer Currie, Chuck's sister.
Master Ian Bertrand, Chuck's nephew.
Ms. Judith F. Bright, CNM, Chuck's mother.
Ms. Blair Loudat is the moderator at Parkrose Community United Church of Christ where Chuck has been called as the interim minister.
Ms. Wendy Marsh worked with Chuck at Baloney Joe's in the 1980s and now serves as an executive with a health care foundation in Seattle.
The Rev. Dana Brown is a United Methodist minister and friend of Chuck's who has been a long--time colleague on social justice issues.
The Rev. Gene Ross is the interim executive director at Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and friend of Chuck's.
The Rev. Paul Davis is the minister of congregational life at Portland's First Congregational United Church of Christ.
Mr. Alan Bogner is the former board chair of the Goose Hollow Family Shelter and friend of Chuck's.
Stephen Rumph, PhD, is a professor at the University of Washington, well-regarded opera singer, and Liz's step--brother.
The Rev. Dr. Arvin Luch's is the senior minister at Portland's First United Methodist Church, Chuck's former boss, mentor and friend.
The Rev. John Gantt is the interim conference minister of the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ (and fellow Eden alum!).
Ms. Kate Lore is the social director of Portland's First Unitarian Church and a friend of Chuck's.
Mr. Jon Ross has been a friend of Chuck's since high school.
Ms. Larissa Zimmerman has been a friend of Chuck's since grade school.
Mr. Erik Huntzicker has been a friend of Chuck's since grade school.
Music today is provided by the combined choirs of Parkrose Community United Church of Christ and First Congregational United Church of Christ.
Chuck also wishes to express his love and thanks to Liz Smith Currie, his wife, and their daughters, Frances Bright Currie and Katherine Chalmers Currie.
Letter from Portland Mayor Tom Potter
Letter from The Rev. Dr. Michael Kinnamon, Allen and Dottie Miller Profossor of Mission and Peace, Eden Theological Seminary & Chair of the National Council of Churches USA Peace and Justice Commission