Photos from the Ordination
Monday, September 18, 2006
Laying On Of Hands
My friend Larisa Zimmerman made a video recording of the ordination service held yesterday. These photos are captures from her work. Above is a photo of the "Laying On of Hands." The Rev. John Gantt is leading the service in this moment. More photos are below the fold.
Members of my family light the candles
Wendy Marsh leads a prayer
The Rev. Dana Brown reads Psalm 46:1-11
The Rev. Gene Ross leads the congregation in the Passing of the Peace
The Rev. Paul Davis offers a children's story
Alan Bogner reads Mattew 25-31-40
Stephen Rumph sings a solo
The Rev. Dr. Patricia Ross preaching
Members of the Parkrose Community United Church of Christ and First Congregational United Church of Christ perform How Beautiful Upon the Mountains
The Rev. Dr. Arvin Luchs offers the "Charge to the Ordinand"
The Rev. Chuck Currie, The Rev. Dr. Arvin Luchs & The Rev. John Gantt join the congregation in Lift Every Voice and Sing
Offering the Benediction