Focus On The Family chairman James Dobson is worried about November.
"If people of faith — the so-called values voters — don't come out and let their voices be heard, there are going to be some major implications for this country," he says in the two-part broadcast that began today, much of it recorded at a rally earlier this week in Nashville, Tenn. "There are these statements from the media that values voters don't care this year and that they're going to stay home."
"I'm concerned about my country. I have been concerned in the past, but I don't know that it's been any greater than it is right now," he said. "I have never, ever seen such hatred in my life. I am being bludgeoned in the media. Why? Why now? Well, it's not really personal to me. But they identify me as one of the people who turned out the values voters last time – and they are determined to never, ever let it happen again.
"For two years they have just been livid over what happened in 2004. I'm getting the brunt of it – but you know what, I don't really care about that. And I'm going to cast my vote anyway. Are you?"
Yes, Dr. Dobson, I am. I’m voting against the war, for the environment, against policies that benefit the wealthy at the expense of the least of these, and for the right of women to make their own health care decisions. In short, I’m voting for values this November.
Are you?