Religious Right icon James Dobson - leader of Focus on the Family - has had enough of people questioning the commitment of Focus and the Family and their allies in the wake of the Mark Foley / House Republican Leadership scandal.
From the
"A representative who has been a closet homosexual for years, apparently, was finally caught doing something terribly wrong and when the news broke, he packed up his things and went home," Dobson said.
And that, he said, should have been the end of the story. But it wasn't.
"As we know, the media and the Democrats saw an opportunity to make much, much, more out of it," Dobson said, "impugning the morals and character, not only of this disgraced congressman, but of entire the entire Republican Congress -- and Christian conservatives, including me."
That should have been the end of it?
We know that the Republican leadership was told that a member of their party was inappropriately contacting underage Congressional pages and Dobson thinks nothing should be done? Kids deserve better. Dobson's prayerful wish that this matter will simply go away won't come to pass.
Dr. Dobson, molesting children is serious business.
Dobson is upset because his refusal to break ranks with the Republican leadership over this issue has been called hypocritical in light of his call for Bill Clinton's impeachment for having an affair with an adult woman.
He quoted from a New York Times editorial with the headline "Conservative Coalition appears to be Coming Apart at the Seams" that was written by Paul Krugman.
"It will be interesting to see how Dr. Dobson," Krugman wrote, "who declared about Bill Clinton that no man has ever done more to debase the presidency -- responds to the Foley scandal. Does the failure of Republican leaders to do anything about a sexual predator in their midst outrage him as much as a Democratic president's consensual affair?"
Dobson emphatically said he stands by his assessment of President Clinton's scandal. As for Foley's action ...
"In fact, it does outrage me, Mr. Krugman," Dobson said. "We condemn the Foley affair categorically. And we also believe that what Mr. Clinton did was one of the most embarrassing and wicked things ever done by a president in power.
But it doesn't outrage Dobson enough to believe anyone in the Republican Party should be held accountable.
Of course, Dobson neglected to mention his advocacy on behalf of Republican candidates.
His lack of moral character is showing now more than ever.