We had a good turnout tonight for the showing of THE GROUND TRUTH at Parkrose Community United Church of Christ. The film lets veterans tell their own stories about combat and their difficult journeys re-entering American society. All of us were struck by the imagines of dead children and other "non-combatants." It breaks your heart to watch children die.
It is fair to say that most who watched this film left with anger and with a sense that we have all been called in these times to be peacemakers.
Tomorrow I'll be leaving for The Dallas, a city along the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. The reason for my trip: the fall gathering of the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ. The Rev. Dr. David Greenhaw, president of Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, MO., is our keynoter and I've been asked to introduce Dr. Greenhaw.
Saturday night I've been invited to play poker - a rare treat for me - and will make it back to Portland in time for that.
Then I will be back to preaching this Sunday morning.
On Sunday afternoon, I will also be guest of Air America's State of Belief program. Visit their site for additional information.