In case you missed it the Bush Administration ended hunger in America last week.
How did they do it?
By eliminating the word "hunger" from the annual federal report meant to document the number of people going without food in the United States. People suffering hunger are now classified as "food insecure." Hunger, now says the Bush administration, is not a "scientifically quantifiable term."
At least 35 million Americans could not always find food for their tables this past year. Don't you wish the president had to visit with each and every one of them to explain why they weren't really hungry after all?
Once the president has an answer down we might invite him to talk with the nearly half million senior citizens whose food programs he is planning to eliminate for this coming year so that money will be left over to pay for tax cuts for the richest of the rich in America.
God demands that we take take care of the least of these. What the president proposes on these issues would seem to fly contrary to what God wants us to do as God's people.
There would seem to be no question that the president is a great sinner unconcerned with the will of God. But will our response to his failures be any better?
What can we do to reach out to help those in need and to change the conditions in America that allow poverty, homelessness and poverty to flourish?
We can start by joining up with Bread for the World, the Christian anti-poverty agency, that is engaged with these issues through advovacy and public education. Check them out.