Election Day Prayer
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Gracious God,
This morning we lift up to you in prayer our nation.
We are a divided people facing difficult elections.
Help us to discern your will for the world.
Be with all those today who have offered themselves as leaders.
This morning we lift up to you in prayer the causes our people must address.
We have war, and hunger, and environmental crises.
These are difficult days for the world.
Be with us as we cast our votes.
This morning we lift up to you in prayer the homeless in our midst.
The "least of these" have been left behind in America.
Help us to do better.
Be with those today who have no home.
This morning we lift up to you in prayer the Iraqi people.
Their blood stains us all.
Let justice roll down.
Be with those that suffer from war.
This morning we lift up to you in prayer our American soldiers.
Too many of them have died.
Help us find a way to bring them home.
Be with those that serve with honor.
This morning we lift up to you in prayer those without health care.
We give too little in a world of plenty.
Let us learn from Jesus what it means to be healers.
Be with those who are sick.
This morning we lift up to you in prayer the prophets in our midst.
We give thanks for voices in a world of darkness that bring light.
Let us have the courage to be more like them.
Be with those who work to build up the Kingdom.
Oh God, your people cry out to you this day.
We want to be a people of reconciliation and justice.
We want to bring an end to needless suffering.
Be with us all this election as we make difficult decisions.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.