Eric Keroack: Bush’s Pick To Appease The Religious Right
Friday, November 17, 2006
President Bush is quite a character. When others are reaching across partisan lines to help reduce the number of abortions in America the president is doing everything in his power to stoke the political fires and appease his Religious Right allies upset over the November election outcome:
From The Washington Post:
The Bush administration has appointed a new chief of family-planning programs at the Department of Health and Human Services who worked at a Christian pregnancy-counseling organization that regards the distribution of contraceptives as "demeaning to women."
Eric Keroack, medical director for A Woman's Concern, a nonprofit group based in Dorchester, Mass., will become deputy assistant secretary for population affairs in the next two weeks, department spokeswoman Christina Pearson said yesterday.
Keroack, an obstetrician-gynecologist, will advise Secretary Mike Leavitt on matters such as reproductive health and adolescent pregnancy. He will oversee $283 million in annual family-planning grants that, according to HHS, are "designed to provide access to contraceptive supplies and information to all who want and need them with priority given to low-income persons."
Abortion opponents take note: your friend in the White House doesn't really want to do anything that decreases or eliminates the need for abortion. If the president were serious about doing so he would support family planning - and that means contraceptives. But if that happened then Republicans in the red states would lose a red meat issue and why try and unite America when there is the chance that by dividing it you can still win an election?