You’d be amazed at the kinds of e-mails that come my way each day. Take a look at these…
Mark doesn’t like Jews:
Being in the Republican Party for four generations I have a real problem with the Republican Party of today and it doesn't have anything to do with Foley. The Republican Party has a large number of Jews working in the Republican Party known as Neo Cons. George Bush sold himself to the voters as a Christian Conservative when in fact he has very few Christian Conservatives working for him in powerful positions. To give you some examples of this. Michael Chertoff the Director of Homeland security is Jewish, Ari Fleisher his first press secretary is Jewish, so are Paul Bremmer, Wolfowicz, Donald Feith, Senor. Why are all these people calling themselves Neo Cons? Why don't they just admit that they are Jewish. The problem here is that Jews are the main enemy of Christian Conservatives. Jews are Communist.
He goes on to say:
So are these Neo Cons that work in large numbers in the Republican Party actually Communists "planted" in the Republican Party? I have uncovered some new evidence proving that the answer is "yes". I am an expert on the Communist Party USA and have solid evidence that the Communist Party USA planted people from their Party int the Republican Party to create scandals and sway elections. Their are even movies showing them doing this like the movie the Manchurian Candidate made way back in 1962.
Paula doesn’t like gays:
Obviously you don't think God knew about sexual orientation. Obviously you don't think God wrote the Bible using the men who recorded those words. And if it was up to evolution, homosexuals would have been selected against as soon as they appeared since they are not able to reproduce to pass down their genetic or otherwise disposition. Homosexuality is expressly forbidden by a God Who knows what He is saying. Hope you get His message. I am not angry by writing this, I am in disbelief about the rebellion and ignorance some people have toward God and His word.
James doesn’t like poor people:
Jesus did not want people to vote for politicians to tax folks so they could have welfare programs. He wanted folks to give of themselves to help the less fortunate. Come on, let the government do what they can do well and people need to take care of people. Just out of curiosity what do you make a year? I’m willing to bet you wont say.
These folks have the same rights to vote as we all do. So be sure to vote this November.