- the online advocacy arm of the National Council of Churches - is gathering signatures for a petition to be presented to the new Congress:
Dear Members of Congress:
Elected leaders are privileged to represent all the citizens of this nation and to be lights of hope for all the nations of the world. We call upon both parties and all who will join them to be a sign and a living witness that only justice for all will prevail, ultimately, in all aspects of our lives.
Persons of faith, whose votes reflect their deepest values, ask those whom they elect to honor those values by embracing a spirit of cooperation, commitment, and personal conduct that is conducive to the highest and best within us.
We ask that instead of political power mongering there be a commitment to serve the common good, instead of suspicion, an atmosphere of trust, instead of personal attack, a spirit of cooperation. When tempted to stray from our nation's fundamental values, we call upon you to pledge anew to engage your power to serve, protect, and uphold the least among us.
People around the world will watch closely what we do. Mindful of the opportunity to model and advance an ideal of public service that reflects our highest moral values, we ask that you work to usher our nation into a new day for life in America.
Click here to sign.