Tuesday Is Coming: Get Ready
Friday, November 03, 2006
The near constant ringing of my phone, the spike in blog hits, and the 16,000+ unread e-mails in my inbox goes to show one thing: the mid-term elections are next week. There is a massive get-out-the-vote effort underway in communities across the country. Do your part to help. We need to send a message to the White House that their days governing America through fear and lies are over. We need to send a message to all Americans that the common good of society requires health care of all, good schools, and safe neighborhoods. But as you do your part this weekend and through Tuesday don’t forget to keep your family close. Pray for an end to the war and for better days here at home. Take time off to read a good book and listen to some music. Breathe. Don’t let the tension of this electoral season overwhelm you. Your vote and your voice will be needed on Tuesday. Make yourself ready. This is going to be an historic week in America. Enjoy it.