Oregon Anti-War Rally Set For March 18th
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Stop the War, Bring the Troops Home Now! Rally at South Park Blocks
PORTLAND—On the 4th anniversary of the Iraq War, Oregonians will come together in a mass mobilization to Stop the War and Bring The Troops Home Now! After meeting with city and police officials on Tuesday, February 27, the event organizers are moving the location of the rally and action camp from Pioneer Courthouse Square to a larger space at the South Park Blocks to accommodate the large crowds anticipated by the city.
The rally and action camp at south park blocks will be combined with a march through downtown Portland. The action is being planned by a coalition of diverse organizations representing students, veterans, military families, faith communities, labor unions and peace and social justice groups and is connected to a national day of action promoted by the national coalition, United for Peace and Justice.
Peace Action Camp (Noon – 5 p.m.):
The Peace Action Camp will provide opportunities for all ages to take action to end the war.
DRAW: children’s art for peace
WRITE: letters to Congress to defund the war
SPEAK: youth speak-out against war
ACT: learn about nonviolent direct action
Rally & March (1:30 p.m.):
Rally speakers will include:
Raed Jarrar, an Iraqi writer and activist who coordinated the first door-to-door survey of Iraqi civilian casualties.
Darrell Anderson, Iraq Veterans Against the War.
Military families from Military Families Speak Out-Oregon.
Plus live music, giant puppet theater, additional speakers and more!
Where: NEW LOCATION! South Park Blocks, (SW Madison St. and Park Ave.) Portland
When: Sunday, March 18, 2007
12:00 – 5:00 p.m. Action Camp
1:30 March and Rally
Advance interviews with speakers and organizers are available.
For more information visit www.pdxpeace.org .
March 18 Mobilization is co-sponsored or endorsed by the following organizations:
Alliance for Democracy, American Association of University Professors-PSU Chapter Executive Council, American Federation of Teachers Local 3571 (PSU), American Federation of Teachers Local 2277 (PCC), American Friends Service Committee, American Iranian Friendship Council, Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights, Bridgeport United Church of Christ, Central Lutheran Church - Social Ministries/Lutherans for Justice in the Holy Land, Christ the Healer United Church of Christ, CODEPINK Portland, Columbia River Fellowship for Peace, Dorothy Day Catholic Worker House*, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Freedom Socialist Party*, Friends of Sabeel, Greater Vancouver Interfaith Association, Interfaith Alliance, International Socialist Organization, Iraq Veterans Against the War - Portland Chapter, Jobs with Justice, Latino Network, Laughing Horse Books, Living Earth, Metanoia Peace Community United Methodist Church, Methodist Federation for Social Action, Micah's Village, Military Families Speak Out - Oregon, Mirador Community Store, Oregon PeaceWorks, Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility, Oregonians Against the War, Palestine Lebanon Emergency Action, Pax Christi, Peace Action Committee of the First Unitarian Church, Peace and Social Concerns Committee of the Multnomah Monthly Meeting of Friends, People o Faith for Peace, Portland Alliance, Portland Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Portland Central America Solidarity Committee (PCASC/CBLOC)*, Portland Students for a Democratic Society, Radical Women*, Recruiterwatch PDX, Rethinking Schools, Rural Organizing Project, SEIU Local 49, September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, Sister Spirit, Sisters of the Road, St. Luke Lutheran Peace and Justice Group, Students for Unity at Portland State University, Students United for Nonviolence at Portland State University, United Tualatin Methodist Church, United Voices Youth Program, Vancouver for Peace, Veterans for Peace Chapter 72, Washington County Peace Vigil, Whitefeather Catholic Worker Peace Community, Yamhill Valley Peacemakers and more. * endorsers
See pdxpeace.org for updates.