McCain Needs To See A Doctor
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A Podcast Sermon: War Is Contrary to the Will of God

Thousands of Oregonians took to the streets of downtown Portland this afternoon in a peaceful march protesting the Iraq War. Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon was one of the co-sponsors. The march started in the South Park Blocks as the bell at Portland's historic First Congregational United Church of Christ rang out.

Earlier this morning at Parkrose Community United Church of Christ our readings included Isaiah 2:5-11, Matt 5:9 and Romans 12:9-21 as we noted the fourth anniversary of the war during worship.

Use the below link to download the podcast of my sermon - War Is Contrary to the Will of God - for your iPod or personal computer.

Download ParkroseIraq.m4a

(click with the RIGHT mouse button on the hyperlink and choose “Save Target As” and save to your desktop or other folder – once downloaded click on the file to listen).

(There are more pictures of the march below the fold)


The Rev. Gene Ross, former conference minister for the Central Pacific Conference UCC, and Gary Witteman, member of Parkrose UCC


The crowd outside First Congregational UCC


First Congregational UCC, Portland - March 18, 2007


Marching for peace


Portland, Oregon - March 18, 2007


That's me (in the read Carolina Gamecock hat) pushing Frances.  Liz and Katherine were with us.
