Faith Leaders Strongly Urge Oregon House to Pass Senate Bill 2, The Oregon Equality Act
Friday, March 30, 2007
Press Release from Community of Welcoming Congregations
(GRESHAM, OREGON) – Religious leaders across Oregon take exception to statements made by the Oregon Family Council, and say the time is now to end discrimination.
The Community of Welcoming Congregations, an interfaith association of more than 80 member congregations, calls on religious leaders to stand in solidarity with gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons seeking equality. Joy Wallace of the Catholic Coalition of Welcoming Parishes comments, "Many people who identify themselves as members of the ‘faith community' strongly support SB 2, because we believe that all God's people must be respected and be equally protected by the law."
The faith leaders of Community of Welcoming Congregations were deeply disturbed by a recent press release by the Oregon Family Council criticizing SB2 (dated 3/21/07), in which the organization claimed to speak for "Oregon's religious community" and "on behalf of Oregon's churches, religious leaders, sectarian and non-sectarian religious organizations, schools, and other religious non-profit charitable organizations".
"The Oregon Family Council does not speak for all or even the majority of Oregon's religious community," says Rev. Tara Wilkins, Executive Director of Community of Welcoming Congregations. "Our congregations feel that the language of the bill more than adequately protects churches and religious organizations."
Rev. John Gantt, interim conference minister for the United Church of Christ's 50 area churches asserts, "Contrary to claims of the Oregon Family Council that our religious liberties are violated by SB 2, I believe the employment practices of non-profit religious groups are well protected by the provisions of the bill, if such groups want to be exempted."
"Senate Bill 2, contrary to what one religious group might say, is a powerful step forward towards recognizing that all human beings are created in the image of God," states Rabbi Joseph Wolf, Havurah Shalom in Portland. "That we may soon see the day when discriminating against people of different sexual orientations, when it comes to work opportunities and housing, is something that members of all faiths should be celebrating. As Jews, we understand clearly the impact of centuries of disenfranchisement, and we rejoice that citizens of our state are broadening the horizons of responsible human discourse."
The Community of Welcoming Congregations urges all faith leaders to contact their representative and show their support of Senate Bill 2.
"Make no mistake, the Oregon Equality Act (SB2) is right, good, and moral," says Rev. Wes Mullins, associate pastor of Metropolitan Community Church of Portland.
Related Post: Equality For Gays & Lesbians In Oregon Is The Christian Position