Note To Earl Blumenauer: John Lewis Is Right
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 are other progressives are supporting the Iraq Accountability Act. From MoveOn's e-mail alert this morning:
85 percent of MoveOn members want to work to pass Speaker Pelosi's plan for Iraq. Today, we have to get to work. This vote is going to be incredibly close and it'll be one of the most important ones of the year. Every member of Congress should hear from their constituents today.
The critical piece of this plan is that it sets a timeline for withdrawing our troops from Iraq—it sets a date certain to end the war. President Bush doesn't want to set a deadline to exit Iraq1—his policy would strand our troops in the middle of what has become a religious civil war.
But and the Speaker are wrong.
U.S. Congressman John Lewis is right:
Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) a staunch pacifist, civil rights icon and part of the House leadership team, says his philosophy of non-violence will not allow him to vote for the Democrats’ Iraq spending bill.
“In matters of foreign policy, violence and war is obsolete. The money is there to support a continuation of the war,” Lewis said in a brief interview with The Hill. “I just cannot do it.”
Lewis’s position, announced late Monday from the House floor, leaves House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) without his senior chief deputy whip as Democrats head into the closest vote of the 110th Congress.
In his floor speech, Lewis said that “as an individual committed to a world of peace with itself, I will not and I cannot in good conscience vote for another dollar or another dime to support this war.”
War is contrary to the will of God. The House leadership might be taking a politically wise (or politically possible) stand but they are not advancing the cause of peace far enough – no matter how good their intentions. So if you write your congressman tell them to vote with John Lewis. Tell them to work for peace (which you can do on the website).
That’s what I did when I wote U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer today .