Virginia Governor Enacts Sensible Gun Control
Monday, April 30, 2007
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- The governor on Monday closed the loophole in state law that allowed the Virginia Tech gunman to pass a federal background check and buy the weapons used in the massacre.
Gov. Timothy M. Kaine issued an executive order requiring that a database of people banned from buying guns include anyone who is found to be dangerous and ordered to undergo involuntary mental health treatment.
Seung-Hui Cho had been ordered to undergo psychiatric counseling after a judge ruled that he was a danger to himself.
Governor Kaine took what can only be described as a sensible step in the wake of the Virginia Tech tragedy.
But our goal as a nation should be to do everything possible to get guns off the streets and out of our homes where they create a danger for children and our families. Hunters are really the only legitimate users of guns and they don’t need assault rifles to hunt ducks.