Live From First Congregational UCC In Salem, Oregon!
Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ Asks UCC General Synod To Consider World-Wide Poverty & Debt

Day One Of The 2007 Annual Meeting Of The Central Pacific Conference Of The United Church Of Christ

Cpc_002web_2Today has been along one for the people of the Central Pacific Conference of the United Church of Christ.  We gathered for nearly 12 hours for the first day of our two-day 2007 Annual Meeting at First Congregational United Church of Christ in Salem.  Events like this have their ups and downs.  You sit through hours and hours of financial and committee reports (though I'm happy to report our conference has much good news to share this year on many fronts).  But you also get to hear inspiring Gospel-centered messages about the work our congregations are and should be doing (such as the one given today by The Rev. John Gantt, our interim connference minister).  You're also afforded the opportunity to spend time with friends from around the region - reminding ourselves once again that our churches are not isolated bodies but part of something much larger.  Tonight we were quite fortunate to hear from The Rev. John Thomas, general minister and president of the United Church of Christ.  Check out these photos from some of the proceedings:


The Rev. John Thomas joins some of the members from Parkrose Community United Church of Christ.  Pictured here are The Rev. Charlie Ross (pastor emeritus), Rev. Thomas, myself (in the background), Jean Johnson, Camey Pugsley, and Bob Senseney.


Some of the clergy and members of Portland's First Congregational United Church of Christ.


Rev. Thomas urged those gathered to listen to the "Still Speaking God" as we seek to discern God's will for the church in this new age.

Before the evening ended we heard from the grown children of a few of the first pioneers of the United Church of Christ.  This year the denomination celebrates our 50th anniversary.

Finally, we ended our evening in song. "Somebody's got to heal the broken, it might as well be me" was the refrain from our closing hymn.  Watch the short video.

Related Link:  Live from First Congregational UCC in Salem!
