Memorial Day 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
No matter what you think about the Iraq War we all pause as citizens this Memorial Day to remember those Americans who have given their lives in service to their nation.
Click here to visit CNN’s site chronicling the lives lost to date. It is important for us to remember that these Americans are more than just numbers in a casualty count but were real people with families and loved ones left behind.
As an Oregonian, I give special thanks to those from my state who have died.
“This Memorial Day gives us a chance to reflect on the Oregonians who are currently serving our country overseas,” said Governor (Ted) Kulongoski. “As we keep our soldiers serving abroad in our thoughts and prayers, we should also take a moment on this day to honor the countless Oregonians who have served our country with such dedication and courage and made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.”
My prayers are with all the families grieving losses this Memorial Day and with those seeking to end this conflict so that no more Americans or Iraqis perish. These best way to honor Americans in Iraq would be to bring them home.