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Mitt Romney's Visit To Pat Robertson's School Shows Lack Of Moral Compass

MromneyRepublican presidential candidate Mitt “I’m pro-choice unless running for president” Romney will be speaking this weekend at Pat Robertson’s Regent University. Romney must hope that by going he’ll gain goodwill from evangelical Christians who consider his Mormon faith a cult. But ignore all that and focus on this: Romney’s visit offers us a glimpse into his character (in the same way John McCain’s visit to Jerry Falwell’s “school” did). The former Massachusetts governor has not only changed his positions on several major social issues since starting his campaign earlier this year but he is willing to lend legitimacy to Robertson, a frightening loon of the Religious Right who believes he has the power to turn back hurricanes and who calls for the assassination of foreign leaders (all the while engaging in money making schemes with foreign dictators). Romney is willing to ignore all that because his lust for the White House outstrips all other considerations. We need a president who has a moral center and not merely an ambition for power and privilege. Romney’s Mormon faith isn’t the issue – it is his moral compass that voters ought to be concerned with.

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