Happy Mother's Day
Looking Back On Jerry Falwell

Religious Right Flirts With Fred Thompson

Worried that the leading Republican candidates for president in 2008 aren't conservative enough leaders of the Religious Right are looking to Fred Thompson, the former senator and television actor, to be their new Saviour.  UPI reports:

Washington -- Several leading Christian conservatives say they are confident former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee will seek the Republican presidential nomination.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a Protestant and Catholic activist have told The Washington Times they expect Thompson to announce his candidacy "in a matter of weeks."

What is wrong with the current crop of candidates in the eyes of America's far-right religious leaders? Giuliani is pro-choice, McCain supports campaign finance reform and Romney is, well, Mormon (considered a cult by the Religious Right).

"It's the moment of truth for conservatives," one of the Christian activists told The Times. "Either social conservatives rally to stop a Giuliani nomination and victory for him in November 2008 or our issues -- abortion, same-sex marriage, the preservation of the family -- are permanently off the Republican Party agenda."

Will Thompson sell his soul to win the nomination like Romney has been trying? Or is Thompson a natural born right-winger?

It really is a little funny how these things go.  Just a few weeks ago the Religious Right was saying Thompson wasn't a real Christian.  Now he may be their last best hope.
