A Podcast Sermon On Acts 11:1-18: God's Church Should Be Open & Affirming
Expand Oregon's Earned Income Tax Credit

"Remedial Christianity"

Today has been one of those days that never seem to end.  There were dozens of phone calls to make and even more e-mails to respond to.  But all and all it was a good day that ended well.

This evening at church we started a new small book group.  We're reading Remedial Christianity: What Every Believer Should Know About the Faith, but Probably Doesn't.  I highly recommend this book - one that I first came across before going to seminary.  Reading it provides a good primer on some basic theological concepts and on different methods of Biblical interpretation.  13 members of our congregation signed up to be part of this 8-week discussion.  Taking part in groups like this is really one of the best parts of ministry.  How did I get to be so lucky?   
