Pro-Choice Clergy To Get More Support
And So The War Goes On

Report: Falwell Student(s) Planned To Bomb Protesters At Funeral

Jerry Falwell was laid to rest today. But this controversial figure – a defender of racial segregation in the 50s, opponent of equal rights for women in the 70s, supporter of Apartheid in South Africa in the 80s, and opponent of equality for gays and lesbians in the 90s – leaves a legacy that today nearly included terrorism. ABC News reports:

…Campbell County authorities arrested a Liberty University student for having several homemade bombs in his car.

The student, 19-year-old Mark D. Uhl of Amissville, Va., reportedly told authorities that he was making the bombs to stop protesters from disrupting the funeral service...

There were indications that there were others involved in the manufacturing of these devices and we are still investigating these individuals with the assistance of ATF [Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms], Virginia State Police and FBI. At this time it is not believed that these devices were going to be used to interrupt the funeral services at Liberty University," the Campbell County Sheriff's Office said in a release.

Three other suspects are being sought, one of whom is a soldier from Fort Benning, Ga., and another is a high school student. No information was available on the third suspect.

Falwell preached hate and division his entire life while Jesus taught us to love our enemies. 

What a sad and pathetic end to Falwell’s story.  But no one should be surprised.
