Religious Leaders Urge Action On Global Warming
Today On Blue Oregon

Catch Me This Weekend On Air America's State Of Belief


The Rev. Dr. Welton Gaddy, host of Air America’s State of Belief, was in Portland today taping his weekly program and was good enough to invite me back on the show to discuss the recent “Presidential Forum on Faith, Values, and Poverty” and my own endorsement of Barack Obama. State of Belief airs nationally at 10am Eastern (7 am Pacific) on Saturday mornings and repeats at 7 pm Eastern (4 pm Pacific) on Sunday evenings. You can listen to the program online, download the podcast on ITunes, or hear it on a local Air America affiliate (click here for all the info including a list of stations and the time they run the program).

Update:  Here's the announcement on the show from the State of Belief website:

This Week's Show:  Weekend of June 9-10

Three Democratic presidential candidates appear live on national television to talk about faith.  Was it a triumph of religious conversation?  Or did it cheapen faith?  Democratic religion strategist Mara Vanderslice and religion blogger Chuck Currie give us their takes.

Plus, how are people of faith getting involved in the national immigration debate?  Kim Bobo of Interfaith Worker Justice tells us about The New Sanctuary Movement

And, we've got four stranger-than-fiction news stories about religion. It'll be up to one of our listeners to tell us which one is not true in our Choose the News game show.

State of Belief explores the intersection of religion with politics, culture, media, and activism. Through interviews with newsmakers and celebrities, reports from the field, and his own commentary, Welton shows how religion and radical freedom are best friends and how the religious right is wrong - wrong for America and bad for religion.

State of Belief
Religion and radio, done differently
Brought to you by The Interfaith Alliance Foundation
Saturday morning 10am-11am ET and Sunday evening 7pm-8pm ET
Air America Radio Network
