"Let's Get Real on Climate Change"
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Action Alert from United Church of Christ Justice & Witness Ministries
In the coming weeks, your senators will have an opportunity to sharply reduce our country's dangerous oil dependence and slow the growth in greenhouse gas emissions. On June 12, 2007, the Senate began debating a massive energy reform bill that includes important initiatives to improve energy efficiency, increase gas mileage for vehicles, and reduce carbon emissions.
But to be effective, the Creating Long-Term Energy Alternatives for the Nation Act of 2007 (H.R. 6) needs to be strengthened in several critical areas. For example, the legislation would increase the average fuel economy of cars and light trucks in the U.S. to 35 miles per gallon. Yet the bill would also allow the administration to waive this modest increase in fuel economy in certain circumstances.
Write your senators and urge them to support amendments to this energy bill that will strengthen the fuel economy provisions to make certain that the standard is actually increased and fully implemented and that it covers all cars, light trucks, SUV’s and minivans.