A Perfect Portland Night
Tell Congress: Alberto Gonzales Must Go

Old Friends

Wednesday and Thursday I had the chance to reconnect with some old friends.

Dan Bravin (homeless advocated turned computer fix-it guy turned green business man) joined me at Produce Row Wedneday night where we compared notes about kids and families and he updated me on his new business venture. Dan and his dad are in the process of starting a “green” plumbing business here in Portland and they have a blog to prove it. Green plumbing helps to reduce water consumption and that is a really good thing as global warming heats up the earth.

Thursday morning Joseph Santos-Lyons dropped by the church for coffee. Joseph is a recent graduate of Harvard Divinity School and headed toward ordination in the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). He’s been on the national staff of the UUA for years, writes a blog about his social justice work, and is a Portlander just back from Boston (via the Philippines where he spent several months working with churches).

Check out their blogs and watch out for both of them. These two are going to help change the world in really good ways.
