Statement in Support of Mayor Tom Potter’s Criticism of the Recent Immigration Raid in Portland by Federal Officials
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Today protesters gathered at Portland City Hall to denounce Mayor Tom Potter’s statement last week critical of a recent raid conducted by federal immigration officials in our city that resulted in the arrest of 150 Portland area residents.
Speaking on my own behalf, I want to add my voice to those supporting Mayor Potter’s moral leadership on this issue. Raids such as those conducted on June 12th tear apart families and are nothing more than, in my opinion, gimmick tricks that use race and class as tools to divide the American people for political gain. Nothing just comes from these raids.
Comprehensive immigration reform, as Mayor Potter pointed out, is needed on a federal level and I support the recommendations made by Church World Service ("the relief, development, and refugee assistance ministry of 35 Protestant, Orthodox, and Anglican denominations in the United States") on this matter. The United Church of Christ is a member denomination of Church World Service.
Those of us who are Christians are compelled by Biblical teachings to welcome strangers into our midst with hospitality.
Mayor Potter deserves praise for his remarks and for his stewardship of the city.
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