Tell Congress: Alberto Gonzales Must Go
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Action Alert from People for the American Way
Heads up! On Monday, the Senate will make its first move to hold a Vote of No Confidence on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
We're delivering our petitions to the Senate on Monday morning before the vote, and although it's hot here in Washington, we want those boxes of petitions to be as heavy as possible. We're very close to our goal of 50,000 signatures. Can you help us get there by Monday?
Please add your name to the petition now, and then forward this message on to your friends and family to do the same.
Since it may take 60 votes on Monday to cut off debate and bring the no confidence resolution to a vote, we need the votes of Republicans, a number of whom have already called for Gonzales' resignation or who have stated serious concerns about his ability to lead the Department of Justice. We need these senators to put their money where their mouths are and vote to defend the Constitution.
Please help us turn up the pressure. Sign our Gonzales Must Go petition so YOU can go on record in defense of the public interest and the rule of law.
-- Your Allies at People For the American Way