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What Will The United Church Of Christ Look Like In 50 More Years?

50anniversary_270x154The General Synod of the United Church of Christ will be underway soon.  As usual, I won't be there.  My church simply cannot afford the expense.  But a lot of my friends and colleagues will be there to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our life together as a denomination.  On Sunday, we'll celebrate here in Portland as we keep the 10,000 members of our church gathered for Synod in prayer.   

One of those in attendance from the Central Pacific Conference of the UCC is The Rev. Ryan Lambert, author of the blog My Blurred Vision: Life at the Intersection of Theology, Music, Politics, and More.

Tonight he is blogging about a new vision statement for the UCC offered up by clergy in their 20s and 30s (a age group I'm still hanging onto myself for a couple more years).  Check out what younger clergy are hoping the next 50 years of the UCC will look like.  And visit Ryan's blog for updates as Synod unfolds. 
