I Want To Limit Abortions
Friday, July 20, 2007
It's true. This pro-choice United Church of Christ minister beleives that abortion should be legal, safe and rare. But does the Religious Right really want to reduce abortions? Sometimes I get they feeling they could care less about the issue and only see it as a chance to fill their coffers. Faith in Public Life is asking the same question:
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed an initiative that aims to reduce the number of abortions in this country without further limiting the legal availability of the procedure.
The legislation, sponsored by Reps. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Tim Ryan (D-OH), provides more funding for pregnancy prevention programs as well as for social support programs that help women lacking in financial and social resources feel better equipped to raise an unexpected child.
"It is our moral obligation to address those issues with which all side agree," said Ryan. "Whether you are pro-life like me or pro-choice like my friend Congresswoman DeLauro, the common ground we must build upon is our serious desire to reduce the rate of abortions."
Prevention and support initiatives have been proven to reduce abortions and unintended pregnancies, and it is a big step forward for those working for practical solutions to this thorny issue.
A big question mark is the reaction of self-identified “pro-life” groups such as Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council. These powerful religious right groups make a big deal of (and a lot of money from) their anti-abortion stance, but so far, as even they will admit, their efforts haven’t actually reduced abortion rates.
Will the religious right reach out and take this opportunity to collaborate across ideological lines for something they truly believe in, or will they continue their current course of advocacy, which so far has done a lot more for conservative politicians than it has for fetuses?
So does the Religious Right really want to lower the number of abortions or do they just want to use this issue as one to divide the American people with? Anyone want to start placing bets (Methodist, of course, excluded from all betting).