Pray For South Korean Christians Held By Taliban
Sunday, July 29, 2007
All across the globe people off all faiths are praying for the safe release of South Korean hostages being held by the Taliban in Afghanistan. This week the World Council of Churches wrote Korean church leaders to express solidarity:
[Letter to Rev. Oh-sung Kwon, General Secretary of the National Council of Churches in Korea]
Geneva, 24 July 2007
Dear Rev. Oh-sung Kwon,
On behalf of the fellowship of WCC member churches, please be assured that we are praying in earnest for the 23 Koreans who are held hostage in Afghanistan. Their abduction on 19 July and the pending threat of their execution have shocked many people around the world.
As negotiations between the Taliban and the South Korean government continue, we pray for the immediate release of those being held, for their reunion with their families and for true peace in Afghanistan. We pray also for the Afghan President Hamid Karzai, that through his help, negotiations may be strengthened.
We are calling the entire ecumenical family to join in prayer, asking God to intercede so that the hostages will be released and brought to safety.
We stand in solidarity with the families and churches affected, and with all the Korean people as they live through this difficult and trying time.
Yours in Christ,
William Temu
Acting General Secretary
The strength of the Taliban today reflects the colossal failure of American foreign policy.
Please join with others in praying this week for the Korean Christians.