Larry Craig apparently has sex with men in public bath rooms. David Vitter apparently frequents prostitutes. Both serve as members of the United States Senate and both are Republicans. Ignore for a moment - if it is possible - all the political considerations involved. It would appear that both these men face major mental health issues and are deserving of our compassion and prayers. Having said that, neither should be serving in Congress. Their hypocrisy is astounding. Craig is a long time opponent of civil rights for gay and lesbian Americans. Vitter is a champion of "traditional" conservative values. For the moment their legal and moral difficulties outweigh whatever gifts they bring to public life. So why is it that Republican leaders are quick to demand that Craig resign his seat while Vitter, who it would seem has a long history of involvement with illegal prostitution, is basically getting a get out of jail free card from his party? Could it be that simple homophobia is at work? If Republican leaders want to be taken seriously on "moral values" they need to acknowledge that Vitter's long history of soliciting sex from prostitutes is at least as big a moral failing as anything done by Craig.