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A Prayer Written For The Sixth Anniversary of 9/11

Cross911Gracious God, we pled our case before you.

We ask that you remember those who six years ago today were killed and injured in an act of terror meant to draw your people apart. Comfort those who still greave. Comfort those whose injuries have not healed. And please, O God, give strength to those first responders who are now falling ill after inhaling toxic fumes.

We ask that you give hope to the nations that went to war as part of the fallout of 9/11. We admit, O God, that our churches did not do enough to prevent this course of action. Have mercy on us. We ask that you be a protector of the civilians and the young soldiers caught up in these conflicts. Bring them guardians and prophets who wage not more war but fight with the weapon of love to bring an end to war and suffering. Let your peace silence the guns.

Help us, parent of the Prince of Peace, to reconcile the world. Help us find new ways to talk together and new ways to live together in love and respect. Give us the wisdom to stop the wars that rage and to end the brutal terrorism faced by so many. Let your light overcome the darkness of our age. Our hope rests in you.


- written by The Rev. Chuck Currie
