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Recall Bernie Giusto

Oregon's Anti-Gay Campaigns Helped State (In Their Own Way)

Good news to mention: opponents of two new state civil rights laws here in Oregon – one banning discrimination in the work place against gays and lesbians and the other extending civil union benefits to same sex couples – have failed in their effort to collect enough signatures to force a vote on recalling the measures.

Over the last two decades the Religious Right has placed ballot measure after ballot measure before the voters attempting to curtail civil rights for the GLBT community.

The fights have always been ugly and cost millions.  It is a relief that this time we won’t have to spend energy here in Oregon debating once again the merits of providing basic civil rights for all people. 

On the other hand, I have to give credit where credit is due.  Without these ballot measures Oregonians would have never have been forced to confront the issue of civil rights for gays and lesbians so directly.  Our churches, for example, might never had to wrestle with the theological implications of saying to another “your life is not deserving of equal protection under the law.”

Most people know that these anti-gay campaigns have been waged by Christians.  Fewer know that these campaigns have also been opposed by Christians – Christians who have come to an understanding that God’s justice, love, mercy, and grace is available to all.  Without these anti-gay campaigns over the years fewer congregations in the Christian community would have ever declared themselves to be “Open and Affirming” or “Welcoming” or “Reconciling.”

No one knows the full extent of the damage done to people over the years as the initiatives have been debated.  The stress has to be enormous on people who know their rights are actually going be voted on.  That takes a toll, no question.

But the Religious Right never anticipated that one result of their efforts would be to extend the openness of many churches.  The anti-gay movement in Oregon has helped many to reject the more narrow impulses of Christian tradition and to shine a light of hope where before for many there was only darkness and emptiness in our sanctuaries.

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