Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech
"This far and no further: Act fast and act now!"

Tri-Met's Failed Leadership

Tri-Met's Fred Hansen told The Oregonian on Saturday that Fairless Square "provides a free ride for panhandlers, drug dealers, rowdy gangs, homeless people and drunks." The remarks are offensive and off the mark. Instead of casting blame on entire groups of people for real problems Mr. Hansen and his colleagues might delve more deeply into the issue and admit it is Tri-Met's failed leadership that has created this civic crisis. Mr. Hansen feeds harmful stereotypes of homeless people to the public. He didn't talk about the two-parent family working two jobs and trying to get to the Goose Hollow Family Shelter. He didn't talk about the low-wage earners trying to get to work. No, Mr. Hansen tried to shift the blame for his agency's failure to protect the public. Tri-Met and Max are a train wreck these days. With people like Fred Hansen in charge you don't have to wonder why. We need better leaders – leaders that take responsibility instead of casting misdirected blame.
