Evening Prayer of Hope
Hanging Out With Barack Obama & Bill Richardson In Portland

Three Cheers For Protesting Portland Students!

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. - Matthew 5:9 (NRSV)

From OregonLive.com:

Hundreds of Portland-area school students left their campuses and have gathered at the North Park Block to protest the war in Iraq.

"I feel like it was a good thing, and I'll take the consequences if there are any," says Kiana Hamilton, 16, a junior at Wilson High School.

Students are carrying signs calling for peace. "Stop the War." "Five too many." "Honk for Peace." They began marching to the South Park Blocks shortly before 1 p.m., chanting "Peace Now."

Ellie Schmidt, 17, a senior at St. Mary's Academy said of the war "it's based on principles I don't stand for. And it's based on alot of lies."   

The Oregonian's web site promises an update later.

Note to Miss Hamilton:  Nothing the schools can do to you will matter.  Their consequences are meaningless compared to the consequences we all face if we do nothing and fail to stop this war.  All of the students who took part deserve applause for their actions and hopefully big hugs tonight from their parents.

Related Sermon Podcast:  "We Can't Just Wish For Peace"   
