"Demand that Sen. Lieberman REJECT HAGEE"
Newsweek: His Mobile Ministry

Republican Priest Offers Partisan Prayer

A Newsweek reporter called yesterday. She wanted to know about prayers that I've offered for Senator Obama. What I told her was that prayers should never be partisan. That when I pray for Senator Obama I don't ever lay claim that God wants one candidate or another to serve in office and that I often pray for all those running for office.  I pray that we all listen for the still speaking God and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us as we try and follow the teachings of Jesus. 

That is not to say that I don't have a favorite in this race.  Clearly, I support Senator Obama because of his values, judgment and experience.

However, we shouldn't ever misuse religion for partisan political gain  - a line Father Michael Pfleger crossed this weekend (Senator Obama denounced those remarks, rightly).  See The Politics Of Jesus: A Podcast Sermon On Isaiah 3:13-15, Isaiah 10:1-4, and Luke 4:14-2 for a more detailed look on my thoughts about this.

(Update:  The Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite has a good essay up on On Faith about Father Pfleger)

But if a seminary is ever looking for a Class A example of how not to pray the video above from Republican Roman Catholic priest Jim Lisante provides it.  Ben Smith has the story.

Wait, there's more:  I turns out that Lisante has a second day job.  Yep, he's a regular commentator for FOX News and has been since at least 2006.
