The Rev. Dr. Patricia Ross retired this week as the senior minister of Portland’s First Congregational United Church of Christ. She helped the congregation grow in many ways over the twenty years she served (10 as the associate and ten as the senior minister). It was under her watch that the church opened their doors to a local agency that needed space to operate a homeless shelter for youth. Building project after building project was undertaken during her leadership to preserve the church’s historic downtown facilities. She was a courageous religious leader known in Portland for frequently lending her voice to women’s issues, peace efforts, and on behalf of those experiencing homelessness. Dr. Ross chaired the late 1980s UCC committee that chose Paul Sherry to be president and general minister of the United Church of Christ. A dinner and reception were held in her honor this past Sunday. Presenters included The Rev. Dr. Arvin Luchs, senior minister at Portland’s First United Methodist Church, and David Leslie, executive director of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon. Jon Ross, Pat’s son, gave a moving tribute that brought just about everyone there to tears. The Rev. Gene Ross, Pat’s husband and former conference minister (now retired) of the Central Pacific Conference of the UCC, also made a presentation. Dr. Ross has been a mentor, friend and colleague of mine for many years. Her leadership at First Congregational United Church of Christ will be missed but her legacy in Portland won’t soon be forgotten. And I suspect “retirement” will simply be a venue for Dr. Ross to take on new and different types of leadership roles that further build up the Kingdom.