Hello Oregon Delegation!
Democrats Host First Ever Faith Caucus At Denver Convention

Democratic National Convention Day 1 Wrap Up

Dncc_logo_dnc2008_1_500Tonight was pretty darn exciting.  President Carter.  Jesse Jackson Jr.  Speaker Pelosi.  Caroline Kennedy.  SENATOR KENNEDY!  Michelle Obama.  A good house band.  What can you say?

You had to be impressed with Ted Kennedy.  He not only passed the torch but reminded Americans what the core important issues are for Democrats: with universal health care right at the center.  Senator Kennedy's speech in the midst of his health crisis brought a lot of people to tears.  He has been the "lion of the senate" and on issues such as housing, health care, equality, and education.  If he is unable to return - or forced to remain away from the Senate for an expended period of time the only person who can fill Kennedy's role is Hillary Clinton. 

Michelle Obama did a wonderful job on introducing herself and her family to the American people  People who witnessed her speech saw that she is just like the rest of us: concerned about our communities, committed to her children, and committed to her own family.  She was strongly received by the delegates and guests.

In related news, Faith and Public life held a forum here today.  My flight came in too late to attend.  But check out their blog.

My Oregon friends should be reading Blue Oregon and Loaded Orygun for their live coverage about our state's delegation. 

Tomorrow I'll be attending the DNC's Faith Cacus meeting.  More to report after that.

On the agenda for tomorrow night:  Senator Clinton. 
