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I Will Succumb To The Will Of The People And Become Senator Obama's Running Mate

ObamacurrieI’ve been surprised by the response since announcing that I will not serve as Senator Obama’s vice-president. Therefore, in the best interests of the nation I will be a candidate.

I’ve been well vetted by more than 20 years of media coverage in Oregon, not to mention that really long psychological exam required of UCC ordination candidates (I was declared basically mentally fit…except something about delusions of grandeur about one day becoming the vice-president.)

I don’t have any finances to speak off. If you really want dirt on me go read my blog and then just take things out of context – that’s the Republican Way.

I’d be an advocate for President Obama’s policies. And, of course, I have a few ideas of my own. Friday nights should be a national holiday so that all Americans can watch Battlestar Galactica.

We should end homelessness and provide universal health to all Americans within 2 years. Like Senator Obama, I opposed the war from the beginning. Unlike the last few vice-president’s, I don’t play golf. However, I believe the vice-president should be entitled to center court seats at all Blazer games. Finally, I’d have to turn the VP’s residence into a shelter for homeless families with children. Grits will have to be served every morning at the White House mess.

And in a break with current vice-presidential protocol,I promise the people of American not to spend my eight years in hiding - or to shoot any of my best friends. 

I would also feel called to offer a morning prayer at an interfaith gathering at church or other place of worship near the White House.

Liz would be an excellent Second Lady.  We could put her in charge of whatever see wants to do. 

If, however, Senator Obama makes a different choice, I would be willing to serve his administration in any capacity -as long as I could stay in Portland. Let’s be honest, if you had the choice would you rather live in DC or Portland? I thought so.  We might really just consider moving the White House to Portland on a permanent basis. 
