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NPR Reports On Pastor Attending Democratic National Convention

From NPR:, August 22, 2008 · The Rev. Marvin McMickle bridges religion and politics as pastor of Cleveland's influential Antioch Baptist Church. He says he fights for fairness and justice from the pulpit. And he'll be bringing that activist verve to Denver, his first political convention.

For McMickle, who is African-American, the symbolism of this election is great. Seventy-eight years ago, his distant cousin was killed in Kentucky as he tried to register to vote. Now McMickle will be casting a ballot for Barack Obama, the first major-party African-American presidential candidate. Exhilarated, he says he never expected this in his lifetime. He's bringing his wife and 28 year-old son to Denver to share in the moment.

Click here for the full story.

It's worth noting that Senator Obama's speech will fall on the 45th anniversary of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" address on the National Mall. 
